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来源:网络      作者:迈思特英语

       按标准组织生产 to observe specified standards in production
  包干 all-round responsibility
  并购劣势企业 to merge or to purchase inferior enterprises
  财税 fiscal taxation
  产业升级 upgrade industry
  畅通渠道 to clear and open the channel
  承包 contract
  承包制 the contract system
  出口退税率 the export tax refund rate
  出口信贷 export credits
  粗加工能力 the rough processing capacity
  大批量 lump-sum appropriation
  呆坏帐 bad debts
  低档产品 low-grade products
  调价 to adjust prices
  高回报产品 high value-added products
  搞活小企业 to invigorate small products
  股份合作制 joints-stock partnership
  股权交易方式 equity transaction methods
  骨干企业 backbone/key enterprises
  国家财政预算 the state budget
  国有资产 state-owned assets
  国有资产流失 the loss of state-owned assets
  环保产品 environmentally friendly products
  积压物资 stockpiled goods
  加快开放 to speed up the pace of opening-up
  兼并 merger
  减量增效 to reduce stockpiles and increase efficiency
  减债增资 to reduce debts and increase assets
  简化出口手续 to simplify export procedures
  科技进步 technological progress
  跨国经营 transnational operation
  棉纺加工能力 cotton processing capacity
  培育新的经济增长点 to cultivate new points of economic growth
  全额退税 full refund of duty
  生产许可证 production license/permit
  生活资料 means of subsistence
  市场竞争力 the competitive abilities of the enterprises in the markets
  收支缺口 a gap between revenue and expenditure
  数一数二 to be among the best
  信守合同 to abide by contract
  一条龙开发产品 a coordinated development of products
  以优势企业为龙头 superior; well-performing enterprises take the head of…
  优化配置 to optimize resource allocation
  转换经营机制 the transformation of the operational mechanisms
  卓有成效 to show impressive results
  资产重组 asset reorganization
  资源转移 the transfer of the resources
  自然增长率 natural growth rate
  自营出口企业 the enterprises enjoying the right to independently manage their exports