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来源:笔译培训      作者:迈思特翻译
    国有企业改革 Reform of State-owned Enterprises (SOE)
  摆脱困境                  be extricated from their predicament
  包工包料                  contract for labor and materials
  层层转包和违法分包        multi-level contracting and illegal sub-contracting
  产品结构                  product mix
  产权清晰、权责分明、政企分开、科学管理 clearly established ownership, well defined power and responsibility, separation of enterprise from administration, and scientific management
  产销直接挂钩              directly link production with marketing
  产业的升级换代            upgrading of industries
  产业高地                  industrial leading position
  产业关联性                production-related association
  产业结构优化升级          optimize and upgrade the industrial structure
  厂长负责制              system under which the factory director assumes full responsibility
  承包经营                  contract operation
  持续提高公司的竞争能力     achieve a lasting upturn in the company's ability to compete
  初步建立现代企业制度       implement a preliminary modern enterprise system
  促销                       merchandising
  大型企业集团               large enterprise group
  带薪分流                   assign redundant civil servants to other jobs while allowing them to retain their original rank and benefits
  待岗                       await job assignment; post-waiting
  待业                       job-waiting
  待业人口                   population waiting for employment
  地域优势                   geographical advantage
  调节经济运行               regulate the operation of the economy
  调整产品结构               readjust the product mix
  董事会领导                 leadership of the board of directors
  对符合条件的企业实行债转股 carry out debt-to-equity swap programs in enterprises where conditions permit
  对外承包工程               overseas contracted engineering projects
  防范和化解经融风险         prevent and defuse financial risks
  分流企业富余人员           redirect surplus employees of enterprises
  富有献身精神、积极性高涨的员工队伍 a highly motivated and committed workforce
  改革国有资产管理体制       reform the state property management system
  改善国有企业负债结构       improve the asset-liability ratios of state-owned enterprises
  高中级工程技术人员         senior and intermediate-level engineers and technologists
  搞活企业                   invigorate enterprises
  革新重组                   realignment
  个体、私营等非公有制经济   the non-public sector including self-employed and private businesses
  工业产值                  the industrial output
  公司法人责任制            the corporate legal person responsibility system
  公有制的多种实现形式      various forms for realizing public ownership
  股份合作制               joint stock-holding partnership; the joint stock cooperative system
  股份制                    the shareholding system
  骨干企业                  key enterprise
  规范监事会制度            standardize the board of supervisors system
  规范破产                  standardize bankruptcy procedures
  国家财政收入              total national revenue
  国有大中型企业            large and medium-sized state-owned enterprises
  国有控股企业              state holding enterprise
  国有资产流失              the devaluation of state assets
  合同管理制                the contract management system
  红帽子企业                red cap enterprise
  宏观管理体制              the macro-control system
  货币政策                  monetary policy
  技术创新                  technological innovation
  家用电器产业              the home electric appliances industry
  价格性能比                price versus performance ratio
  兼并破产                  merger and bankruptcy
  减少对市场变化做出反应的时间 shorten the response time to market changes
  减员增效                 downsizing for efficiency; cut payroll to improve efficiency
  揭牌典礼                 an official business launch
  街道企业                 neighborhood enterprise
  紧密型企业集团           tightly-knit groups of enterprises
  竞争有序                 orderly competition
  竞争择优                 select only the best of competing offers
  开工不足                 enterprises running under their production capacity
  亏损企业                 loss-making enterprises
  亏损企业脱困             losing enterprises in the black again
  扩大内需                 expand domestic demand
  来料加工                process materials supplied by clients; accept customers' materials for processing
  劳动合同制               labor contract system
  理顺/正确处理改革、发展、稳定的关系appropriately balance reform , development and stability
  流通体制                 the circulation system
  龙头                        a leader
  内联企业                 enterprises with internal connections
  扭亏增赢                 reduction of loss and increase of profits
  培育统一开放、竞争有序的市场体系 cultivate a unified and open market with orderly competition
  培育新的消费热点         foster new consumption growth areas
  激励机制和约束机制       incentive and restraint mechanisms
  企业文化                 corporate culture
  强化管理,“严”字当头    tighten up management and put strict observance above all else
  强化社区服务功能         strengthen the function of community
  强强联合                 association between strong enterprises
  全面提高劳动者素质       improve the overall quality of the workforce
  全球销售服务网络         the global sales and after-sales service network
  融中国现代产业于世界经济主流integrate China's modern industry with the mainstream of the world’s economy
  三无企业                 three-no-enterprises
  商检局                   Commodity Inspection Bureau
  商业运作                 business dealings
  深化流通体制改革         deepen the reform of the distribution system
  生物医药产业             the bioengineering and pharmaceutical industry
  石油化工产业             the petrochemical industry
  实行投资主体多元化       Sources of investment must be diversified
  时常多元化战略           market diversification strategy
  售后服务                 after-sales service
  树立企业良好形象          foster a good company image
  统筹规划、突出重点、分步实施 a comprehensive plan that should focus on key areas and be carried out in a step-by-step manner
  投身于变化的过程中        be committed to the process of change
  完善法人治理结构          improve the corporate government
  西部大开发                the large-scale development strategy in west China
  下岗分流                  redirect laid-off workers
  下海                      go in for business
  兴建南水北调工程          build the south-to-north water diversion project
  虚拟经济和实体经济        virtual economy and real economy
  养老、失业、医疗保险金    old-age , unemployment and medical insurance premiums
  一刀切                    impose uniformity in all cases; allow no flexibility
  一体化生产                integrated production
  以市场为导向              taking the market as the orientation
  以质取胜                  implement the strategy of success through quality
  引入竞争机制              introduce competition mechanisms
  优化结构                  optimize structure
  优化生产过程              optimize production processes
  优化组合                  optimization grouping; optional regrouping
  优势互补                  take advantage of each other's strength
  再就业服务中心            re-employment service center
  再就业工程                re-employment programs
  在业人口                  working population
  政府搭台,部门推动,企业唱戏 Governments set up the stage, various departments cooperate and enterprises put in the show.
  支柱产业                  pillar industries
  知识密集型产业            knowledge-intensive projects
  中心环节                  the pivotal point
  抓大放小                 invigorate large enterprises while relaxing control over small ones; focus on the restructuring of major enterprises and leave minor ones to fend for themselves
  转化机制                  shift to new management mechanisms
  转化经营机制              change operating mechanism
  装备精良                  state-of-the-art equipment
  资金技术密集型产业        capital-and-technology-intensive industries
  劳动密集型产业            labor-intensive industries
  自负盈亏                  be responsible for their own profits and losses