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来源:网络      作者:迈思特英语

"Those are graves for the dinosaurs from China’s Jurassic Park."

"It’s the monthly Excavator Anonymous meeting, where excavator enthusiasts can dig to their hearts’ content."

"Trying to dig to Australia."


Students of Shandong Lanxiang Vocational School are trained to drive excavators. Each year, 30,000 mechanics, barbers and welders are trained by the massive Shandong Lanxiang Vocational School, whose overadvertised slogan “Meet the king of (excavator maneuver), find Lanxiang in China Shandong” was turned into a popular internet catchphrase.




“The red dragon sleeps under a very ornated window.”

"It means 'simple'.”


This is “Biang” — the most complicated character of all time — and it contains at least 56 strokes. Well, Chinese themselves still have arguments over how to write it correctly, understandably. It’s an unofficial word created to represent a popular Shaanxi noodle, Biang Biang Noodle.
”Biang“这个字是有史以来最复杂的字,笔画有56笔之多。当然,中国人本身也对这个字的正确写法争议颇多,这也可以理解。这个字不是正式的文字,造出来是为了代表陕西颇受欢迎的一道面点,叫”biang biang面“。


"She is a celebrity chef who all Chinese people aspire to cook food like."

"Her face is the logo for something ubiquitous. Is it eggs? Is it Chinese eggs?"


She’s Tao Huabi, the woman who invented China’s most celebrated chili sauce, Lao Gan Ma.


"She is ascending to a higher plane of consciousness and waving goodbye to these mere mortals."

"Chinese people can fly? This changes everything."


Chinese jump rope can get extremely intricate and physically demanding, yet it’s about teamwork and rhythm. Chinese kids in the 1980s were obsessed with it, especially the girls.


"Obviously Chinese people have mastered the art of making gold out of thin air."

"The sun is leaking and the Chinese people are covering up this secret."


In reality, this is a gorgeous — but dying — form of Chinese fireworks. Poor blacksmiths in the town of Nuanquan, in Hebei, found that if they hurled molten iron at the old city wall, it exploded in a shower of sparks in the cold night air. They donned sheepskins and straw hats to protect themselves, and used spoons made of hard willow wood to hurl the iron.The practice is called “dashuhua (打树花),” which means “throwing tree fireworks.”


"Those look like sheep and cats, but my real question is why there’s poop in the title. "

"The joys of getting a perm."

"It’s about some sheep that are bad at surfing and regularly get ridiculed by cats."


So this is actually a cartoon called Pleasant Goat and Big Big Wolf. It tells an absurd ongoing story about how Grey Wolf fails to please his wife Red Wolf by catching a single sheep in 1,342 episodes but hasn’t starved to death, miraculously. Red Wolf is smarter but never bothers to hunt. The sheep have even been thrown into boiled water repeatedly but of course came out unscathed. And the poop? WE HAVE NO IDEA.