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来源:网络      作者:迈思特英语

1. I probably can't give you a celebrity's hairstyle.
1. 我可能无法为你打造明星大腕的发型。

Even if your stylist can match a celeb's color and cut, she can't give you access to the team of professionals that the rich and famous have fixing their hair before every appearance.

Bringing in pictures is great, but be open to adaptations that take into account your hair texture and bone structure. If you go in expecting a carbon copy of a red carpet style, "you may be very disappointed," says Don Bewley, cofounder of Eufora International Haircare in Carlsbad, California.
(所以理发时)带上照片是个好点子,但发型师会根据你的发质和骨架结构做出调整,你得接受这点。如果你去理发店是想要一板一眼地复制出明星走红毯时的发型,“你可能会受到非常大的打击,” 唐·布雷说道。他是加利福尼亚卡尔斯巴德城Eufora国际美发的联合创始人。

2. Tell me exactly what "a little bit" means—even if you feel like you're being nitpicky.
2. 告诉我“一点点”到底是多少,就算你觉得自己在挑刺。

Be prepared to talk specifics with your stylist. Saying, "Just don't go too short" isn't helpful. Show your stylist the exact length you want your hair. And if you request she take off two inches, make sure your definition of "two inches" is the same as hers.

3. Please respect my time.
3. 请尊重我的时间。

Being five minutes late can throw off your stylist's entire day. If you're running late, call. And never pull a no-show. On the same note, don't phone at the last minute and ask to get "squeezed in." Your stylist will likely try to accommodate you, but it may mean staying late or rushing to finish another client first.