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来源:口译培训      作者:迈思特口译
       第一篇 这是习近平接受金砖国家媒体联合采访领导人讲话。
  You are the leader of China. The world is eager to know about you. For example, how do you feel being the leader of a big country with 1.3 billion people?您是中国的领导人,全世界都很希望了解您,例如,您觉得做为一个13亿人大国的领袖感受如何?
  During my meetings with some foreign leaders, they asked me in amazement: How to govern such a big country as China? Indeed, it is not easy to govern a country with 1.3 billion people. To get to know the situation is already a difficult task. I often say, it takes much effort to know China and it is not enough to just visit one or two places. China has 9.6 million square kilometers of land, 56 ethnic groups and 1.3 billion people. Thus, to get to know China, one needs to avoid the mistake of drawing conclusions based on partial information.
  这个段落当中的感慨稍有难度,词典中找不到对应的词,在现场可以采用弱化的手段. “不易”是个比较口语化的说法,一共出现了两次,可以视情况用不同的表达法翻译,不要重复。“功夫”是“时间与精力”的意思。后面的三个数字应该属于知识储备,在记录时不必全记,标志出相关内容即可。“盲人摸象”不是一个为西方人熟悉的成语,因此要把“片面”这个概念译出。
  The system for selecting officials in China requires local work experience. For instance, I have worked in the rural areas as the Party branch secretary of a production team. I have also served in county, municipal, provincial and central governments. Extensive experience gained form working at the community-level enables an official to develop a people's perspective and know what the country is truly like and what the people need. To accumulate experience and professional knowledge and enhance skills and capabilities in the course of practice is essential to doing one's job well.
  What is your daily work and life like? How much time did you spend with your family? Could you share with us your personal life and hobbies? 你的日常工作和生活是怎么样的?能有多少时间与家人相处,能否介绍一下您个人的经历和爱好?
  As for my workload, you can imagine that being in a position like mine, one hardly has time to himself. There are so many things that I need to address. Within the central leadership, we have an effective set of work mechanisms. We each have our own responsibilities and at the same time, we work together in concert to ensure that the job gets done and done well.
  Although I am very busy, whenever there is time, I would get together with my family. I have many hobbies. I love reading most. Reading has become a way of life for me. I am also a sports fan. I like swimming and mountain climbing. I liked football and volleyball when I was young.
  Brazil will host the football World Cup next year. Which team do you think will win the cup?
  Unpredictability is what makes a sport match, especially a football match exciting. The Brazilian team has the home-court advantage and I wish them good luck.
  第二篇 选自希拉里与刘延东会晤时的讲话。
  第一段:More Americans are now studying in China than in any other foreign country. Our goal is to send 100,000 students to China over the next four years. And I am pleased to announce that the American private sector is showing increased support for the 100,000 Strong Initiative with new commitments from several major companies.
  100,000 Strong Initiative:专有名词译为十万强计划。
  第二段:And thank you so much for your announcement of an additional 10,000 scholarships for Americans who wish to study in China. This is in addition to the 10,000 scholarships that the Chinese Government offered last year, and we are very touched by this strong signal of support.//
  第三段:We also celebrate last month’s announcement that New York University will open a campus in Shanghai in 2013. And we have with us today the president of NYU. It is his vision to expand his university internationally while maintaining its reputation for excellence and academic freedom, and we’re very excited about this endeavor which means so much to both of us.//
  第四段:I’m also pleased that we have a very robust set of exchanges – universities and dance companies, environmentalists and technology experts, ping pong players, video game developers – all of these and many more have a role to play in creating more understanding between our two countries. As you said, we all believe deeply that helping people expand their personal, commercial, professional, philanthropic exchanges really does pay enormous benefits. //
  We will not always agree. There is no doubt of that. I know of no two people – I don’t even know within a family – that everyone agrees. But we believe strongly that working for greater understanding, finding new ways not only of communicating, but of cooperating, is in the best interest of our nations and our people. We think the more our people learn to cooperate and collaborate, the more that China and the United States will be able to find solutions to many global challenges. //
  这种段落难度不大,很多都是同义反复,如果听得比较清楚,完全可以根据自己的理解加以表明,但技巧在于不要过多发挥,原文几句译文就翻译几句是最理想的。另外,句中的一个插入语部分也会构成一定干扰,在听记时要专项训练。此外,The more... The more 的并列比较也会一定程度影响理解。
  第五段:We both face climate change issues, weather changes, food security, environmental problems, educational issues, healthcare challenges, and we want to work to make sure we know the best solutions that can be applied everywhere. So I thank you so much. You understood this from the very beginning, you have championed it within your government. I am pleased that both of us are able to continue this work together and I am excited by what lies ahead. //
  第三篇 汉译英选自王晨在第二次西藏发展论坛开幕式上的讲话。
  Situated on southwestern borders of China,Tibet is an ethnic autonomous region where Tibetans form the majority of the region's population. After the founding of the People's Republic of China and the peaceful liberation of Tibet, the region started its historical process toward modernization. In 1959, Tibet introduced Democratic Reform, which brought about historic changes in its social system.
  第二段:50年来,在中央政府的关心和全国各地的支援下,西藏各族人民共同努力、社会面貌日新月异,人民生活水平大幅 度提高,。尽管由于自然、历史和社会条件的限制,西藏的现代化发展程度与中国东南沿海地区相比还存在着较大差距,但 是,毫无疑问,今天的西藏已经走上了与全国同步发展的轨道,正以自己独特的优势展现出良好的发展前景。 //
  Over the past 50 years, with special attention from the Central Government and support from other localities nationwide, people of all ethnic groups in Tibet have united in achieving economic and social development in a frog-leaping manner by concerted efforts. Tibetan people's living standards enhanced greatly.  Although it lags far behind the coastal areas in southeast China in modernization levels due to restrictions from its natural, historical and social conditions, today's Tibet has undoubtedly embarked on the track of development in step with other parts of the country and is showing a good development prospect with its unique advantages.
  注意汉语比较时总是会说, A和B相比如何如何,主语是A和B,而英语的比较往往会说A is …than B,主语较小,在这样的思维习惯下,汉译英容易产生“There is huge gap between A and B”这类句子,虽然不能算错,但显得不精炼,给评卷人印象较差,如果能改成文中 A lags far behind B,就显得得体和轻松得多。
  第三段:参加本次论坛的有来自西藏自治区人民政府及有关部门的负责人和企业家,他们是西藏社会发展的决策者参与者.他们 将给论坛带来西藏发展的最新第一手信息。他们就西藏的发展与合作问题共同进行开放式的 探讨。相信这种探讨对于增进意大利人民和世界各国人民对西藏的了解,对于发展西藏的对外合作,推动西藏的开放发展、可持续发展,对于造福西藏各族人民,具有重要的意义。
  Present at this Forum are officials of the Tibet Autonomous Regional Government, persons in charge of relevant departments and entrepreneurs. They are decision-makers and participants. They will bring to this Forum latest, first-hand information on Tibet's development and will discuss in an open manner. Such discussion is believed to be of great significance for enhancing the knowledge of Tibet of the Italian people and peoples of other countries in the world. It will also be of significance for promoting Tibet's opening to the outside world and cooperation with other countries and its sustainable development for the benefit of people of all ethnic groups in the region.
  第四段:我衷心希望朋友们畅所欲言,就西藏的发展发表高见,献计献策,共同把论坛办成一个交流看法、增进了解、开展合作、推动发展的高水平的国际论 坛。 预祝第二次西藏发展论坛圆满成功。
  I sincerely hope that all friends speak out freely your opinions and suggestions on the development of Tibet, with an aim to make this Forum a highly efficient international platform for exchange of views and promotion of understanding, cooperation and development. I wish the Second Forum on the Development of Tibet a great success!