来源:      作者:迈思特英语



1.人生据说是一部大书。 2.假使人生真是这样,那么,我们一大半作者只能算是书评家,具有书评家的本领,无须看得几页书,议论早已发了一大堆,书评一篇写完交卷。3.但是,世界上还有一种人。他们觉得看书的目的,并不是为了写书评或介绍。4.他们有一种业余消遣者的随便和从容,他们不慌不忙地浏览。每到有什么意见,他们随手在书边的空白上注几个字,写一个问号或感叹号,像中国旧书上的眉批,外国书里的Marginalia。这种零星随感并非他们对于整部书的结论。5.因为是随时批识,先后也许彼此矛盾,说话过火。6.他们也懒得去理会,反正是消遣,不像书评家负有指导读者,教训作者的重大使命。
1. People say life isone fat book. 2. That being the case, more than half of ourwriters are only critics. Having acquired the skills of a critic, they glancethrough no more than a few pages before they make loads of judgments about thebook . A review is finished and done. 3.However, some people in this world readbooks for reasons other thanhavingto write critical appraisals or commentaries. 4.Carefree and relaxed as freelancers, they casually scribble a fewwords, a question, or an exclamation in themargin ---like those headers in Chinese classics, or marginalia in foreignbooks, they jot down bits and pieces ofnotes written in a desultory fashion. These are not their impressions of the whole book.5. Sincethey make notes whenever a thought pops up,they might overdo their point, or they mightcontradict themselves later. 6.But they couldn’t careless as they only do it for pleasure , unlike the critics whose mainmission is to provide guidance for the reader and offer criticism to theauthor.
Marginalia 旁注,标注,次要的东西
other than 而不是
scribble 乱写
exclamation 感叹号
jot down 匆匆记下
desultory 断断续续的,散漫的,这儿是随手的意思。
第1部分:“大书”并不能译文“big book”,大指的是厚度,用fat这个形容词修饰。
第2部分:原句较长,句子结构较松散,翻译时,需适当断句。“书评一篇写完交卷”并不需要翻译出“交卷”的字面意思,这里指的是“写完了事”的意思,因此只需译成“finishedand done”。
第3部分:“世界上还有一种人。他们···”不需要译成“thereare some people in this world”, 而是可以用“somepeople”直接表达,简单明却,又表达了所有含义。
第4部分:“有一种业余消遣者的随便和从容”,译文将“随便”“从容”译为了形容词,使用了as 作介词,简单明晰,符合英文表达习惯。这种零星随感指的是上文提到了那些注解,只需要使用指示代词These即可,不需要在这重复。
第5部分:随时批识,译文加上了补充athought pops up,表示有了新的想法。说话过火指太过强调自己的观点,译文使用了overdo这个动词。
第6部分:懒得去理会即一点儿也不在乎,译文使用了couldn’t care less ,用否定的比较级表示了最高级。